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Hello there! I make videos, doodles, music and do other crazy shenanigans on the interwebz! Please don't hit me.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

48 Hour Film Challenge entry

Heey guys! So this week's video is gona be Jordan's and my entry for FinalCutKing's 48 Hour Film Competition. We had to cut some corners (and cut out a scene) to make it fit into the 3 minuet slot sooooooo yeah, keep that in mind ;D

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pac-Man: Another Chase

Oops forgot to post last week's video here.
Well this time around. I finally got around to finishing my first animated video and I think it turned out pretty well. It was also featured on ScrewAttack! :D

I actually have an idea or two for my next animation. Whatever it is, I'll be sure to keep you guys up to date on facebook. Anyways... later kidz!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Heavy Chase

New video! My buddy Jordan and I made this for our com tec class. He edited half and I edited half, including what I think was my first "fight scene".

We also had Shakeem as our camera operator so this was a great opportunity to experiment and have fun with what we were shooting. Hopefully you guys can expect another com tec video sometime in December/late November :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Spenny & Dan play GOW3

Heey guys!
I'm back with this weeks video. I think Dan and I are getting better at being *somewhat* entertaining with these gameplay commentaries... plus this is one of Dan's favorite games so it better be aha

Monday, November 7, 2011

Back on track!

Wow its been over a month since my last post here. Well I have some good news! I'm back on track with making weekly videos. You can expect a video on my channel every Monday and HOPEFULLY I'll soon be able to get out some of the videos that I have been hyping for awhile now :D
SO here u go kidz!

Last week's video was posted on Halloween and what better time would there be for Mr Mittens to have an epic return? (this isnt actually epic, but I have a very small vocabulary so shut up.)

This week's video is another random skit video written by me and with acting accompaniment of my buddy Jordan :P

Sunday, October 2, 2011

First facebook Vlog

hey guys,
So just in case if I haven't already explained why I haven't been posting any videos on my channel lately, I made this video blog for facebook that explains that and also I talk about the two other shows that I "have in the works".
(btw I love the face I have in this thumbnail)

And since it is now October I've started thinking of what I want to be for Halloween... and I think this is my best idea yet! :)

So anyways, that's all I've got for you guys for now. don't forget to check out some of the video on The Screaming Boulder. I posted a preview of an animation that will be posted on my main channel when its complete.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Screaming Boulder


The Screaming Boulder is going to be my way of getting content out constantly that I don't want filling up my regular channel. I've been working on some more lengthy projects lately, so this will be a good way to keep bringing you guys SOME videos as I work on them.

I might embed some of the vids later... but not now I'mhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif sleepy v_v

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Two new videos! (Last weeks and this weeks)

Sorry that I'm a bit late posting these onto my blog. I've just been busy with getting stuff ready for going back to school :O
Anywho, here u go!

Heres the long awaited episode of Mr Mittens! I put quite a bit of work into this one, through the production, technical difficulties and I also had to wait till the start of September as I have reached my internet limit in August aha. Hope you like it :)

Heres the first and only video that I shot at Fan Expo this year. I think you might see more videos like this next year ;D

This week there may or may not be a video. It mostly depends on how quickly I get comfortable with my school schedule (which is pretty easy so no worries). But until then, have a good day and I'll see u next time :P

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nyan Cat HD

Out of boredom I took some initiative in making a video for this week :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Spenny & Dan play Wii Music

Didn't have time this week to shoot a video... so here's another Spenny & Dan episode yeey!

I'm also planning on making a shorter cut of the Halo episode. The one that's currently up won't be deleted, but instead left as an extended cut :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Spenny & Dan play Halo: CE

Heres the second episode of Spenny&Dan! Furture episodes will be less lengthy (or put into parts) and also whenever we record them at my house they will be in better quality :P

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

TWO new videos!

...well its actually one. I just forgot to post the other last week ^_^'

This is somewhat like my "Fresh PIXILATED Air" videos, but unlike those this did not use video game music and to tell you the truth, its my favorite out of those so far :)

While I was in Florida I was talking with my buddy Jordan about shooting Sore Loser when I got back. I also brought up the idea of doing some other video after we shot Sore Loser. After bringing up an idea that I had probably when I was like twelve and writing it with some help from Jordan, we came up with this!

So thats it for now! Now that I have my video posted for this week I'm gona relax a bit and try to get a few things started/worked on (perhaps Game & Glitch?). I have a good feeling about next week! :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

Whats coming up in August (or hopefully early September :S)

Hey guys and gals,
I've been down in Florida for about a week now and still have another week to go until I return next Wednesday. So far I have gone into Universal Studios in Orlando and there I recorded footage on both my camcorder and ipod. I posted this quickie two days ago. It was just made for fun 9and I had no idea what I shot would be made into a video) so don't hate :P

I'll hopefully have about one or two other videos made with the footage I got from Universal. I also have a few ideas of videos that I COULD make while I'm here, but whenever I make them is all up to if I actually feel like it. I'll remind you that I'm vacation ;)

Though I have recorded a few things for the next Mr Mittens episode. I left off the last episode with a cliff hanger that was thrown in to begin the explanation of Mr Mitten's absence from his OWN SHOW. All that i will say about the next episode is that it has a few things to do with the show "Retro Hunters" (which is an awesome web show that you should totally check out) and that it somewhat mixes with my reality. Meaning that I, Spencer influence Mr Mittens in someway... you'll understand soon enough. To add onto that, this episode is also mixed with the episode that I was writing before Upset Birds. I really enjoy making the series and hope to make episodes more often. I am going to do my best to get the next episode out in the week of me getting back from Florida.

Then there's Game & Glitch...
The week that I bought a game that was needed for the show, was the same week that the Canadian post went on strike. This meant that no mail was being sent through Canada. This lasted about two weeks, and I haven't received the game before I have left, so I'm pretty sure that it will have gotten here by the time I get home. When WILL the video come out?... I'm done with trying to say that it will come "Soon", so I'll just say this. It will come out before the day I die...
*but hopefully this summer, if I have the time and patience*

I don't know how much i have talked about the show Highscore AAA. But just to clarify/review what I have said. I want HS AAA to be a show where I can do basic game reviews, quick looks and maybe even commentaries. All of that kind of stuff with my own twist... aka just my own limitations. The first episode WAS going to be a quick look or game review of Sonic 4 and it still might be that. But I think I may do something less "regular" and do a quick look at Donkey Kong Country game Over screens. I've said before that I wanted to do this, and now I feel as though, now would be a good time to take a swing at it as my first episode :D

Now looking away from MY stuff, I'm helping my friend Jordan with one of his videos, Sore Loser. I have already posted a behind the scenes video of it, and the experience of doing it was a lot of fun, but we were not done filming. So I talked to Jordan as he was about to scrap the video and now we're going to finish shooting it in the week that I get back. I have no idea when it will all be done, but here's hoping it turns out good! We may also do a random skit video if we have an idea. There is also a playing cards video that Jordan is making that I voiced three characters in and a short film that Jordan is directing that I am the lead role in and am also supplying an HD camcorder for. Jordan will also be helping me with shooting something for the first episode of Game & Glitch. So there's A LOT of collaboration between Jordan and I, which is awesome!

There might be another Spenny and Dan play episode down the line this summer, but that's kind of up in the air. Daniel D (Danny) is the friend who does that with me, but I also have another friend named Daniel E (we'll call hem Dan-E).

So when Dan-E and I were hanging out a few weeks ago we attempted to shoot a video hat was recreating LEROY JENKINS through Gears of War 2. We had some technical errors and were unable to get a proper take, but that is defiantly something in the works. We have also been talking about stuff to do with the green screen and we have also talked about a video idea based on the WOMBO COMBO smash bros melee video.

It's definitely a more "risk-eh" idea that we have for approaching it, but I honestly really like the insanity of the ideas that we have come up with for it. Don't look forward to this anytime soon... but when/if we make this... It will be awesome.

So that's it for now. I realize that I tend to make really big posts. I'll try to make them more frequent in the future, so that i don't have to make them so big.... toodelz!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thinking about the future... by looking at the past

A lot of people tend to do this and I'll first start off by saying I'm not going to "pity" my own life or anything. This is just my general wondering of where I see myself in 10-20 years and look back at how much has happened in the last few years.

So I'm a video maker. When and how did I declare myself as such? Well around this time two years ago in the Summer of 2009, I recall that I was in front of the computer... Cool kid right? Maybe it was that I was watching another episode of the Angry Video Game Nerd and that I got in way over in on my head, but I thought to myself, "I should start making videos". That Summer I attempted at starting a web series called "The Turbo Controller Collection" (really bad name, I know) and released a trailer for it, if you could even call it that. Looking back at it now, all I see that this series could have potentially become was a senseless AVGN rip off. And I was also going to be using game footage off of an EMULATOR for the review. Today, there are things that I hate seeing in videos and don't think for a second that I don't regret even thinking that I could start a video series this way.

At the time, all I had was my brother's crummy ol' camcorder that he had gotten off of Ebay. The battery had to be charged independently from the camcorder, it was confusing to navigate and it was very dark. It may have sucked then, but at that time it was my lifeline. Every opportunity that I think that I had of making a video, I would bring that camcorder just in case. There were many failed attempts up to the Summer of '10, but in the end I got two pretty decent videos (based on the camcorder and using Windows Movie Maker to edit).

Clarification: This video was a speedrun for a contest on ScrewAttack

Just at the end of the school year I also made a video called French Pikachu with two other friends for a French project. I still find the crappy nature of the video to be funny and even though some people may not get it, it was a lot of fun to make this with other people.

So in the Summer of 2010 I made two videos. One which was called The Inconviences of Metroids - Skittles and another one that I made later called Fresh PIXELATED Air. The Inconviences of Metroids - Skittles got spotlighted on ScrewAttack.com about a day after posting it, where it got just over a thousand views.

I was hoping to make a video series out of that, but lack of inspiration led me to kind of... let it die quietly in the corner. I posted Fresh PIXELATED Air very soon after Metroids. Looking back at that video now I still find some of the shots very beautiful and am still proud of it.

Also in Summer I was working on a "animated" video and I had posted a preview video in July.

It was all made in Sony Vegas and I wasn't really animating as much as I was placing things from one spot to another and letting them slide. I posted this video in late September and once again, my video was spotlighted on ScrewAttack.com
(to keep this classy, I'll say that I'm not bragging... Okay kinda)

On ScrewAttack, the video got 1400 views and I got a lot of feedback from people commented. I have been wanting to make animations for years, and to tell you the truth... I still don't feel that I have really done that. yet ;)

I also posted this Machinima test a day before Awesome Contra. It wasn't really looked at and I really didn't expect it to. I have come back to this recently and made another Machinima and hope to do more when I have some ideas.

In November I made a theme for a show called Safety First, which was a web show on ScrewAttack. I had made the theme, as they were asking for their fans to do so. Today I am still the ONLY person who has submitted a theme to them (and before I continue, keep in mind that all I did was add lyrics to some video game music) Shortly after posting the video, Tweeting and posting it on Facebook, it was spotlighted on ScrewAttack.

You'll have to find the video yourself either on ScrewAttack or Youtube... I'm shy about showing the video because I sing in it lol

and now I'll speed thing up, looking at the videos that I made from November 2010 to Now. I wont post the links or embed these videos, but you can watch them all on my Youtube channel

Halo Reach KHAAAN! - Video starred me in a Santa hat... I still dont think the videos half bad ;)
Mr Mittens Christmas - The first Mr Mittens episode and out of the two that I have made so far, it is still my favorite aside from the video quality
Game & GLITCH intro - I had some music made by the awesome Spelling Phlailer for this and this was my first push towards starting up the series.
Power Up! - I shot this at the St Jacob's mall with my new ipod. Looking at how nervous I was, this turned out to be a pretty good video showcasing all of the stuff in the store.
Mr Mittens Scarry? - The second episode wasn't as well approached at the first in my opinion, but I still put a good days work into shooting this.
Fresh PIXELATED Air 2 - Going down into Arizona, I already had thoughts of making this. Definitely didn't flow as well at the first, but I still like it :)
Epic Halo Reach Machinima - This was close to when I got an HD capture card, and I wanted to test it, so I used some moments that I had previously captured on Halo Reach and put it to the test. It wasn't a bad video, but it was just uninspired.
Spenny & Dan Play Super Meat Boy FINAL BOSS - My friend Dan and I made a video in May 2010 for French class and really wanted to continue making videos... and this is what has come of it so far.

Everything else is pretty recent at this point, so I don't think I need any further comment.


AAAANNND now here's what I have been wondering. After so much of what has happened, where am I going now? What needs to happen in the next two, three, ten years for me to make videos for a living? Am I able to do that or is the potability of that DOA? Am I thinking about this too hard or not hard enough? Should I be working towards releasing to what could be three substantial videos or just sit back and make videos as the ideas gracefully pass by? Should I cater less towards ScrewAttack and try to do things more independently?

I honestly don't know at this point. But I guess just as everyone else in the world, I'll figure it out.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Game & Glitch ep 1 is COMING... soon

I'm kinda excited! I'm getting closer to getting all of the footage captured and then the footage of myself. I'm still waiting for one more game in the mail tho ^_^'

Com tec flash animations

A few animation farts I made during com tec class and at home in my spare time :)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

ipod vids #8

Haven't posted one of these in awhile... I got nothing more to say :P

Heres a li'l preview of the intro for Highscore AAA :D

Did some voice acting for my one of buddy Jordan's videos. :P

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Com Tec Videos

For my final project in com tec, my friend Taha a I had to make a movie trailer, along with a number of other things (movie poster, stills, website, ect). We made this about a week ago, and I think it turned out pretty well. I still need to properly set up the Green screen, but that will come later ;)

One of the other things that I mentioned was an animation using either pivot or flash. We used both :)

These were some videos that we made earlier in the year that Taha also worked on me with (except for the last one)

Well that all folks! I still got a lot of work to do, as it is getting close to the end of the school year, so I'm gona get right on that now :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spencer fails at doing stunts (Safety Cadet N00B bloopers)

Two video in one weekend?! CRAZY right? Well, shortly after I finished the Safety Cadet N00B video I watched some of my failed attempts at the part where the Cokney me dies. So I said, "meh why not?" and made a video of it. Enjoy! :)

**This is like the third time that I have paused the music for a "comedic effect"... COMON! They do it in movie trailers! Why can't I?!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Safety cadet N00B (Safety First)

WOW! I think I'm starting to get into the rhythm of getting videos out weekly! This video, I shot and edited today, in the afternoon and really enjoyed it! If you are not familiar with the webshow Safety First, then I would suggest checking the note below the video. Enjoy! :)

NOTE: You are likely to not understand this video, because this video was made in reference to the web show Safety First on ScrewAttack. I made this video as to become a part of the Safety Cadets, which is a group of g1s who are in fact SAFE. To become a Safety Cadet you, need to be wearing a safety suit and tie, drink tea with pinkies out, ect... so they're pretty much British.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Behind the Scenes of Sore Loser

Yesterday I was over at my buddy Jordan's house to help him with one of his new video. We still haven't finished the actual video, but I took the liberty of recording ourselves while we were in the action. Enjoy! :)
BTW I'll post the actual "Sore Loser" video when its uploaded. So I apologize if you are unable to understand this video at its current state.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spenny & Dan play... Super Meat Boy FINAL BOSS

I guess you could call this a "pilot episode" for a new show that my buddy Daniel and I are making. We'll still do some skits and stuff, just like what I have talked about, but this was something that we spontaneously did while I was over at his house. Hope you guys can enjoy this through the meh quality of this video!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Shows that I'm working on... have I talked about this already?

Been working on quite a few shows lately. I'm just in the process of starting two more shows and am just trying to get through some technical problems to start on a few others.

Currently Working on
Highscore AAA (Game reviews)
Spenny & Dan play... (Game playthroughs)
Mr Mittens (Original show)

Ideas in the works

Game & Glitch (how to...ish show)
How to with Goomba Xx
*I also want to start doing some skits. I think that the video game related ones will be put under Highscore AAA and the normal ones will be their own separate category.

So as you may predict, there may be a few issues with trying to get so many shows out at such an early state. Heck, Mr Mittens is only at its second episode (and hopefully soon it's third). One of the ideas of having so many shows to work on is so that I wont get bored from working on just one idea. This will be a good way for me to make videos that I actually FEEL like making, as opposed to making a video for the sake of it being made.

The only thing that I am waiting to get are composite cables for my Wii. When I get that I will be able to start Game & Glitch and the next Mr Mittens episode. As for How to with Goomba Xx... It will come when I feel as though my videos may be something that somebody may want to emulate. Meaning, I just need to improve over time and experience.

I'll soon be uploading a... "test" (if you will) for Spenny & Dan play. So until next time... CONCLUSION!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My first livestream!

Well at least my first livestream that I'm actually *somewhat* proud of. So I was talking with my friend Ridge the other day who has been doing livestreams for awhile now and he told me a few things so I decided to give this a try!

I'd suggest skiing to 6:28, just because the stuff before that is just me waiting for a game in Gears which never happens.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another weekend wasted... ish

Hey guys,
So if you remember a post I made a week or two ago about what I wanted to do with AAA, you will remember that I wanted to start making game reviews. So while I'm working on recording the game footage for those, I also have been talking with my buddy Daniel who helped me with French Pikachu. So hopefully Daniel and I will be working on a new video in the next few weeks. I have also been writing a few short screen plays for a few short videos. They will mostly be parodies of my life, but non the less I hope that somebody can relate to or enjoy them.

That's pretty much it! Hope y'all have a happy Easter... whenever that is and I'll talk to ya later.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Starting to decide what "HIghscore AAA" will be

So recently I've brought up the question of what the show "Highscore AAA" will be. It may appear that so far it's only purpose was to be the name for my blog and nothing else, but I want it to b more then that. This year, along with getting Mr. M and G&G started up I want to get HS AAA started. I want it to be a show where I will either do a game review, top 10, a quick look, or a particular skit. As I said in a previous post I recently got DKC Returns and with that I want to do a quick look at the DKC game over screens and along with that I would like to do a normal game review. I recently got a HDMI capture card off of ebay, so it should get here in a week and so and then hopefully I can start on both, along with the first episode of Game & Glitch if I choose to.

...That was a mouthful, so I'll leave it off here

Happy weekend everybody!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Banjo Dorkly Bit!

So after playing a laggy game of gears with one of my good frirnds I went and checked out CollegeHumor's Dorkly.com and there I found a new Dorkly Bit (animated short) that used my Banjo and Kazooie Sprites! This is very cool! The one thing that sucks is that they don't seem to credit you... darn

Monday, March 21, 2011

ipod Videos #7

So this first one... A cop found us on the Indian Reservation and apparently we weren't allowed there... so he followed us as we drove out. Nothing serious happened, but it was a cool experience I guess.

These other ones don't have anything to do with Indian reservations :)


I finished this yesterday morning :)

Its strange. I am disappointed and also proud of this video. I'm proud of the THINGS shot, but not the shots themselves (except for a few exceptions). I was a bit more rushed when recording this because I was constantly moving forward so I guess this is pretty darn good under the circumstances :D

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March Break

SO I've been on March Break in Arizona for the past week... No I'm not bragging... well ya kinda. I also recorded a few videos. One of them being a lot like The Epic Pie Eating video I made on Thanksgiving and another one which will hopefully be Fresh PIXELATED Air 2.

Right now I'm also looking at how much money I have to invest into an HDMI capture card. As you can see in the new Mr Mittens episode, my capture card is a pretty standard AV cable quality capture card (Its a Dazzel to be exact). I don't think I need one for recording footage on Wii since it only uses the standard AV Cables, but for Xbox 360 and definitely PS3.

For my Birthday (which is today :D) I finally got Donkey Kong Country Returns! Now I'm getting closer to making that "quick look at DKC game over screens" video. I'm still thinking of ideas of how to approach it, but I really want to do my best to make this funny... I'm not kidding, that is actually a hard thing to do when its not mindless nonsense.

So until next time... I really need a cool line of my conclusions....


Monday, March 7, 2011

Mr Mittens - Scarry?

Meow, It's a new Mr Mittens episode!

Whats next for Mr Mittens? I'm still waiting to see what feedback (if any) I get from this. But I'm sure that I'll be doing another one. I want to make it a lot more like the Christmas episode, where I can bring in more of a story rather then commentary.

There's also Game & Glitch! I still feel I need at least one more glitch to start working on it. I also need to record a new intro because I'm now in HD. I dont feel as though that will be my NEXT thing but it will definitely be close.

I want to make a video that takes a look at the creepy/scary Game Over screens in Donkey Kong Country. I just need to first play some DKR Wii and then I can hopefully start on that. I also want to get one of my buddies to help me out with this one too :P

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Adobe Flash Animation test (ipod videos #6)

Ive been playing around with the adobe software lately... wow this actually looks pretty darn good... with class A voice acting!

Feb 14: I added color and movment to the chin

Feb 15: I added shading and a background to the Mario animation but also wanted to play a bit more with movement so made a more original (or strange if you prefer) animation

Does this mean that I'll soon be making animated videos? Eh, It has been something that I have been wanting to do for years now. But I think I might need a drawing tablet of some sort before I even start to think about making a video.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I"M BACK with two videos!

It's been awhile, but I'M BACK! I got a hackentosh computer that can use Windows 7 and Mac along with the Adobe CS5 programs. SO now I'll be posting a lot of my videos in HD!

Recorded this one with my handy dandy ipod

I did a test to see if I could have my videos in full screen. The test was a success!
(this video is unlisted on my Youtube channel)

This is a video I did in my comptec class :P

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lego Store (ipod videos #5)

This past weekend my family went by the Lego store. Pretty cool :)

There was also a small racing ramp at the store and boxes of spare parts... I think I enjoyed this too much...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

This guy is AWESOME!

Today I was at the St Jacobs flea market and the picture below says the rest


Upcoming videos: A look at DKC gameover screens

The original DCK gameover screen has left a permanent mental image in my mind that haunts me in my dreams... That's why when I get back onto making videos this will be one of my first! :D

New Kirby Wii game!

HALLELUJAH my prayers have been answered!

You have no idea how exited I am, but what ever happened to this one? Because this for sure looked like the Kirby Super Star/64 mix we've been waiting for...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Plans for future videos

Computer Problems
Hey guys, its been awhile since I've PRODUCED a video. I put that in caps because, I have been posting videos that I have recorded with my ipod, but it doesn't feel the same...

The problem has been that my computer doesn't have an internet driver, and now it wont even go to the start up screen so I need to take it in to get fixed, but I'm a master at the arts of procrastination so we'll see...

My parents are likely gona get me a laptop for my Birthday (March 17, AKA St Pat's day) so I'm gona have to wait till then to be in a better position to make videos. If I take in the computer I have now though I will at least be able to make a video or two before then, but its less convenient without having the internet right there.

Video Ideas
I have a few ideas in the works and what I mean by "in the works" is that I'm piecing them together in my head. I have an idea for a Mr Mittens video, which I might get to recording in my spare time, but because of the cpu problems it's not likely at the moment.

My friend Greg and I have yet to get each other our Christmas gifts. We're still trying to find a good time to go to the flea market to look at retro video games. Hopefully this weekend. This may or may not turn into a video. It mostly depends on if I feel comfortable recording when we go in... yea I'm kind of a wuss, but its true.

And on a side note...
I really want to try out Adobe After Effects. Like I've said, my computer isn't working at the moment, so I haven't been able to, but Ive been watching videos on Youtube to ready myself so that when I do I'm not a complete noob :P


So that it for today, I still got homework to do, exams to study and I really gotta pee... why did I type that? ... because when I have to pee it twists my self judgment... PEACE... homie... I don't know how to conclude this...


Dan's Birthday (ipod videos #4)

This weekend I was partying with some of my buddies. The first videos prove just how crazy my friend Daniel can get. Good times :P

Sunday, January 9, 2011

ipod videos #3

My computer is still broken, so I've been unable to record and edit together actual videos and that why I'm making yet another blog post with some of my ipod vlogs. Enjoy :P

Saturday, January 1, 2011

more ipod videos! (ipod videos #2)

I was so hyper when the new year hit, so I recorded four videos... wow