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Hello there! I make videos, doodles, music and do other crazy shenanigans on the interwebz! Please don't hit me.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nyan Cat HD

Out of boredom I took some initiative in making a video for this week :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Spenny & Dan play Wii Music

Didn't have time this week to shoot a video... so here's another Spenny & Dan episode yeey!

I'm also planning on making a shorter cut of the Halo episode. The one that's currently up won't be deleted, but instead left as an extended cut :)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Spenny & Dan play Halo: CE

Heres the second episode of Spenny&Dan! Furture episodes will be less lengthy (or put into parts) and also whenever we record them at my house they will be in better quality :P

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

TWO new videos!

...well its actually one. I just forgot to post the other last week ^_^'

This is somewhat like my "Fresh PIXILATED Air" videos, but unlike those this did not use video game music and to tell you the truth, its my favorite out of those so far :)

While I was in Florida I was talking with my buddy Jordan about shooting Sore Loser when I got back. I also brought up the idea of doing some other video after we shot Sore Loser. After bringing up an idea that I had probably when I was like twelve and writing it with some help from Jordan, we came up with this!

So thats it for now! Now that I have my video posted for this week I'm gona relax a bit and try to get a few things started/worked on (perhaps Game & Glitch?). I have a good feeling about next week! :)