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Hello there! I make videos, doodles, music and do other crazy shenanigans on the interwebz! Please don't hit me.

Friday, April 12, 2013

After a Long and Lazy Hiadus

Hello to the two of you reading this!
It's been really hard to focus on school, work and videos in recent months. It has kinda caused me to come to this stand still of very little to no content output.. lame.

Anyways, here's a picture of a Psyduck that I'm working on in animation class. After I finish the model, we will be asked to animate our characters dancing. Radical.

Something that kinda sucked recently is that I finished doing some voices for somebody's Bioshock animation.. but shortly after I sent in the voice clips to them, I was told that they were a bit too late for the Bioshock Infinite release. AKA the deadline. I really enjoy voice acting whenever I have the opportunity, so hopefully the an opportunity will arise sooner then later!

Animations. I make those. Well at least I should be.
I have one that's DEFINITELY in the works as we speak. I'm currently storyboarding my scenes as four of my friends are currently doing their part!
There is also the "Sackboys" animation that I have talked about before as well. I don't have much written yet, but I do have these few sketches of Sackboy!

To end this journal like entry into my blog, I'll just say something about Mr. Mittens. I'm doing my best to work on the season finale whenever my friends and myself have the time.. It will come out someday!
Peace out home cats.
~Spencer W.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mother I'm Here (Bastion) Cover and Pre March Break UPDATE

Hey everybody! Well it's been a short while since I've updated this blog. I just wanted to put out a few things before I go off on break for the next week! First thing, I've uploaded some tunes onto my Sound Cloud profile. You can check them out at the link above! I just uploaded a cover of a song featured in the indie game, Bastion and I think it turned out to be a pretty good cover (keeping in mind that it's my first one aha).

 Numbeeeeerrrr 2! I've started to sketch out a portal picture for this contest. If I were to win, I would get some Portal swag, along with a free print of my picture! Here's what I have so far of the UNFINISHED sketch. It's mostly concept at this point...

To end, I recently rediscovered this picture that I drew and put up onto my deviant art profile two years ago. It gave me the idea for an animation.. and I assume you  may or may not know what the joke will be!

 Have an awesome break!
~Spencer W.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

HAPPY NEW YEA- oh whatever

Hey Pie-zonos! It's the Super Spencer Brothers SUPER UPDATE! 
 First, here's a couple of videos that you might have missed...

Technicolour Prison! A short film that Jordan a bunch of friends and myself worked on through the duration of the Summer and Autumn season. I'm very proud of what the finished product looks like. CHECK IT OUT!

This is little tune I made for use in my own videos and such...

NOW there are two things that I'm working on. One being the Mr Mittens Season Finale and the other one being a Mr Mittens video to hold over until then! After that, Mr Mittens will me on a hiatus for a while as I want to work on making it a more consistent and "appealing" show, if that makes any sense.

  Another thing.. I GOT ACCEPTED INTO COLLEGE! So next September I'll be studying up on Animation and the whole shebang! Great stuff right?

I don't reckon I'll be making another post here until I finish a Mr Mittens video. I have been meaning to get to revamping the look of the blog... SO STAY TUNED!

 Later cats and dogs
~Spencer W.