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Hello there! I make videos, doodles, music and do other crazy shenanigans on the interwebz! Please don't hit me.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Filmography of 2010

Wow, what a year! Two summers ago I said to myself that I would be a video makerish person... and this year I feel had been my most productive yet! I have learned and gained so many things this year and I have you to thank! It's just watching a video or two of mine, liking my videos, subscribing and more (you know who you are :P). Thank you so much for a wonderful year and I'll hopefully continue doing this for many more years to come.

On a side note. Hopefully I can get the sixth part of the first two Spontaneous plays rendered and uploaded before 2011 :S

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mr Mittens - Christmas FIRST EPISODE :D

I never thought it would come so soon, but I finally got a start on the Mr Mittens web show! An idea just hit me and ASAP I shot it in one day and edited it on the next. My only regret is that my bro had the HD setting set on the camcorder before recording, so now the video is a tad squished (at the begining there is a shot of a door nob... look at the nob and that will prove my point.
I'm gona look into seeing if theres any way to fix it, but eh, not the end of the world right?
As for future projects, theres Game & Glitch... which I should work on because somebody went through the trouble of making music for the intro. As for Mr Mittens, I have an idea or two. The matter is just, as always, figuring out how I'm going to approach them.

Hope you all had a good Holiday season :)

ipod videos

Hey guys. So I recently got a new ipod touch for Christmas and to my surprise it included a camera that could take video... dear god... So these are some short "shaytard styled" (which I like to call it) vlogs that I shot. They're all video game related BONUS!!!

You can probably expect more of these soon :)

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Game & GLITCH intro (new web show)

I'm still working out on how I'm gona approach each episode and how I'm gona approach the show all together, but I contacted Spelling Phailer to make me some sweet intro music and this is what we ended up with. :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Spontaneous Combution Video One Part 1

This is a series of one act plays that my school puts together each year and this is the first part! I'll let you know where you can see me when it gets up to my play :)

I also made two videos of the stuff behind the scenes when we were not acting.
B4 & After Math Part 1
B4 & After Math Part 2