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Hello there! I make videos, doodles, music and do other crazy shenanigans on the interwebz! Please don't hit me.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mr Mittens - Game GO! (also frog animation and update video)

Hey guys!
Long time since I've posted on here. Life has been getting pretty busy as I was in a school play (which ended this past Friday) and also a few new things are starting up, like one thing I'm not allowed to talk about JUST YET and I'm also trying to get a job again to make some good old monies.

Two weekends ago however I shot the sixth Mr Mittens episode along with a few of my good friends. This episode is the debut for the new voice/puppeteer for Mr Grumplepuss along with the redone theme song made by myself along with a slightly new intro and credit layout. This episode also features A LOT of bloopers & out takes at the end. SO ENJOY!

The weekend before I shot Mr Mittens what the weekend where Evan and I went up into Toronto for an animation competition. Sadly we lost, but we got a pretty cool video out of it :P

ONE LAST THING. Ever since I posted that video tribute to Edd Gould, I've been getting a bunch of subscribers (91 from the time I'm making this post) and I made this video to talk a bit about that and about how I want to make more animations. BUT I NEED IDEAS! It also shows off the intro video for Highscore AAA which I suppose is going to be the next thing I'm gona work on ;)

So videos MIGHT be few and far in between for awhile as I'm wanting to improve the quality of them. But I'll alway be sure to keep you guys posted on what I'm doing on my Twitter and facebook (mostly facebook).

So until my next big video (which usually prompts my next blog post) I'll catch you guys later!