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Hello there! I make videos, doodles, music and do other crazy shenanigans on the interwebz! Please don't hit me.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Mr Mittens - Christmas Spirit! (Blip.tv)

Uploaded the first Mr Mittens episode onto Blip.tv with small improvements in the editing!

I'm hoping that in the time that it takes me to release these episodes on a monthly basis, the show will gain a small following. The season finale has yet to be filmed as we are just at the story boarding phase right now.

This is page 1 of about 9 pages of script. Click the picture to enlarge the photo.
~Spencer Wyatt

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Two videos!

I posted two videos in between the past two Mr Mittens episodes, though I never got to posting them here! Sooooo guess what this blog post is gona feature!

 This was made for this past Halloween com tec assignment!

Made this for another com tec assignment.. woo.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mr Mittens the cat Puppet - Waluigi Doohickey

Hey everybody! New Mr Mittens episode right before the season finale! I apologize for the clarity issues with Waluigi's voice. I thought it was hilarious when we were shooting, but obviously I may need to put in subtitles or something when I upload it to Blip.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mr Mittens the Cat Puppet - Super Satan

Sorry for the late blog post! This was October's episode, which was posted on Halloween!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mr Mittens the Cat Puppet - Chickenborn

Been putting most of my energy into making Mr Mittens episodes lately. This is why i haven't been making any weekly videos.. BUT you can expect a new Mr Mittens episode at least every month for the rest of 2012. Starting with this one that was actually SEPTEMBER's episode!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

No video for this week. BUT SOMETHING BETTER!

Hey guys,
I apologize for not getting a video out this week with my whole "get the ball rolling" thing. School was kind of the main focus for myself this week, where I'm in com tec this semester so you can expect a few videos to come out of that!

I actually made this post to announce that yesterday I purchased a Rebel T3I!

Been playing around with it for the past day and I'm REALLY liking the camera's features! This will definitely help me give some of my videos a more cinematic feel.. when needed.

Also I've been playing around with a 3D modeling program called Blender! It's pretty simple in comparison to Maya, which is why I like it so far aha. I've only started making Super Meat Boy, who looks kinda like Domo..

AAAANYWAYS I gotta get to work.. sooooooo

I'll see ya in a little crockadiddles!
~Spencer W.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Lets Get the Ball Rolling AGAIN!

So It's been awhile since I've been able to get out "frequent" or "weekly videos" and for that I only have life laziness to blame.. BUT LET'S CHANGE THAT TODAY!

I have another idea or two of skits that I can make with a similar humor to this one. Might be totally stupid. But HEY, what else do you come here for?! On a side note I'm planning to shoot Mr Mittens episode 8 NEXT Sunday (not today).

 Anyways, school is about to start on the upcoming Wednesday (September 5th). So I'm HOPING I will have a semester with a pretty moderate work load to get out videos out at a good rhythm and as always, follow my dream of doing what I love as a living someday!

So I'll be seeing ya. Toodlez!
~Spencer W.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mr Mittens - Kingdom Farts

Hey guys! I really need to update here more often... But I probably won't which is why you should follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER!

First of all I finally got out the next Mr. Mittens episode! Hopefully I'll be able to get the next one out sometime in August.

Also I hosted the g1 Digital Forecast again using the GREEN SCREEN! People said that I sounded like JonTron/Egoraptor... Either that means I'm funny, or I'm just another "Irate Gamer".... lets hope it's the first option!

Also got to shooting A BUNCH of Spenny & Dan episodes. This was going to be meant to have been the first set of episodes to use a capture card, but due to technical difficulties we had to do it the old fashioned way!

So to end, Highscore AAA is still "in the works" and Spenny & Dan might likely be the next video I post since I have just gotten my wisdom teeth out and can't speak very well for the time being.

 Also hopefully you can expect to see Jordan's short film Technicolour Prison in late August or early September as we are getting closer to finishing the shooting!

ONE LAST THING! Mr. Mittens might be doing come collaborations with another internet dude known as Gaijin Goomba. He is a very talented individual and I'm quite excited for whatever we might be making down the line (as I am also the flash animator for his show Game Exchange)

That all for now folks... btw I got a job at Tim Hortons GONA MAKE SOME MONIES YEY!
Bye for now!

~Spencer W

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mr Mittens - Game GO! (also frog animation and update video)

Hey guys!
Long time since I've posted on here. Life has been getting pretty busy as I was in a school play (which ended this past Friday) and also a few new things are starting up, like one thing I'm not allowed to talk about JUST YET and I'm also trying to get a job again to make some good old monies.

Two weekends ago however I shot the sixth Mr Mittens episode along with a few of my good friends. This episode is the debut for the new voice/puppeteer for Mr Grumplepuss along with the redone theme song made by myself along with a slightly new intro and credit layout. This episode also features A LOT of bloopers & out takes at the end. SO ENJOY!

The weekend before I shot Mr Mittens what the weekend where Evan and I went up into Toronto for an animation competition. Sadly we lost, but we got a pretty cool video out of it :P

ONE LAST THING. Ever since I posted that video tribute to Edd Gould, I've been getting a bunch of subscribers (91 from the time I'm making this post) and I made this video to talk a bit about that and about how I want to make more animations. BUT I NEED IDEAS! It also shows off the intro video for Highscore AAA which I suppose is going to be the next thing I'm gona work on ;)

So videos MIGHT be few and far in between for awhile as I'm wanting to improve the quality of them. But I'll alway be sure to keep you guys posted on what I'm doing on my Twitter and facebook (mostly facebook).

So until my next big video (which usually prompts my next blog post) I'll catch you guys later!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Edd Goes to Heaven!

As some of you may already know. Edd Gould (the creator of Eddsworld) passed away last week. When I heard the news I began working on an animation in tribute to him to thank him for being such a big inspiration!

This has been my most successful video yet (looking at views, comments subscriptions) and I have Edd to thank for that :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

g1 Digital Forecast After Dark!

SO once again it was my turn to host the Digital Forecast. But this time around events lead me to having to record and edit the video on the same day of upload... eeeeeh

Heres a link to the full video!


Friday, March 23, 2012

Mario Party ROCK!

Been busy with school work and all, haven't had the time to edit videos! I made this one prior to my trip to Arizona, for the release of Mario Party 9. Kudos to the band for making Party Rock Anthem sound awesome! :P

Yes, that is me singing. It's not the best singing job on my part aha. I originally intended to have the song in a lower key, but I decided to go closer by the original... sooo that's my lame excuse aha

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Won gold with dis ANIMATION!

My buddy Evan and I represented our school in an animation competition and came home with gold! YEEA IN THE BIG LEAGUES!

Speaking of Evan and I. Our band played a new song at a school a few weeks back.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Bestest Professional Dancers Ever!

This is the last com tec video I'm gona be posting for awhile, since semester 2 has started.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Debut of Squid Man Stan

HEY! Another week, another video! This week I bring you the debut of my band SQUID MAN STAN!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I host the g1 Digital Forecast!

Hey guys, I've been pretty slow with posting videos on the blog lately... I dont apologize tho because nobody is reading this :D

The video this week is a video link to a show that I hosted this week called the "g1 Digital Forecast". The Digital Forecast was an old ScrewAttack Feature that they had stopped making. So the community breathed life back into it and here's me putting in my 2 cents.


Last week, I uploaded my final grade 11 com tec assignment. The assignment was to make a health PSA... so we have a fat kid getting chased through a forest

Vids might be just a *tad* slow after next week because of technical difficulties, but I'll be sure to keep you guys up to date on my facebook on whats happening. Anyways, I'll catch you kids later!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dearly Beloved piano cover

Hey guys,
almost didn't have a video for you this week, but then I decided to play a little something on the piano! Kind of cool having this as one of the first videos of the year since learning piano was my last year's resolution :)

I'm not that good yet, but I think this turned out alright :P

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Spenny & Dan Play Donkey Kong Country Returns

Hey guys!
I'm back with another episode of Spenny & Dan. I think this is the best one yet, and what a great year to start off 2012! :D

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Hey guys... Okay its been a year, does anybody even go on this blog?- Whatever, I'll just assume that I'm famous n' stuff...

So HAPPY NEW YEAR! In video making, this has been a great year for me. I've learned a lot and think I've really improved :)

Olllllllld-neeeeewish Mr Mittens episode!

Made a 50s-esque video with my buddy Jordan. He directed and edited this one as my computer was out of order at the time.