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Hello there! I make videos, doodles, music and do other crazy shenanigans on the interwebz! Please don't hit me.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thinking about the future... by looking at the past

A lot of people tend to do this and I'll first start off by saying I'm not going to "pity" my own life or anything. This is just my general wondering of where I see myself in 10-20 years and look back at how much has happened in the last few years.

So I'm a video maker. When and how did I declare myself as such? Well around this time two years ago in the Summer of 2009, I recall that I was in front of the computer... Cool kid right? Maybe it was that I was watching another episode of the Angry Video Game Nerd and that I got in way over in on my head, but I thought to myself, "I should start making videos". That Summer I attempted at starting a web series called "The Turbo Controller Collection" (really bad name, I know) and released a trailer for it, if you could even call it that. Looking back at it now, all I see that this series could have potentially become was a senseless AVGN rip off. And I was also going to be using game footage off of an EMULATOR for the review. Today, there are things that I hate seeing in videos and don't think for a second that I don't regret even thinking that I could start a video series this way.

At the time, all I had was my brother's crummy ol' camcorder that he had gotten off of Ebay. The battery had to be charged independently from the camcorder, it was confusing to navigate and it was very dark. It may have sucked then, but at that time it was my lifeline. Every opportunity that I think that I had of making a video, I would bring that camcorder just in case. There were many failed attempts up to the Summer of '10, but in the end I got two pretty decent videos (based on the camcorder and using Windows Movie Maker to edit).

Clarification: This video was a speedrun for a contest on ScrewAttack

Just at the end of the school year I also made a video called French Pikachu with two other friends for a French project. I still find the crappy nature of the video to be funny and even though some people may not get it, it was a lot of fun to make this with other people.

So in the Summer of 2010 I made two videos. One which was called The Inconviences of Metroids - Skittles and another one that I made later called Fresh PIXELATED Air. The Inconviences of Metroids - Skittles got spotlighted on ScrewAttack.com about a day after posting it, where it got just over a thousand views.

I was hoping to make a video series out of that, but lack of inspiration led me to kind of... let it die quietly in the corner. I posted Fresh PIXELATED Air very soon after Metroids. Looking back at that video now I still find some of the shots very beautiful and am still proud of it.

Also in Summer I was working on a "animated" video and I had posted a preview video in July.

It was all made in Sony Vegas and I wasn't really animating as much as I was placing things from one spot to another and letting them slide. I posted this video in late September and once again, my video was spotlighted on ScrewAttack.com
(to keep this classy, I'll say that I'm not bragging... Okay kinda)

On ScrewAttack, the video got 1400 views and I got a lot of feedback from people commented. I have been wanting to make animations for years, and to tell you the truth... I still don't feel that I have really done that. yet ;)

I also posted this Machinima test a day before Awesome Contra. It wasn't really looked at and I really didn't expect it to. I have come back to this recently and made another Machinima and hope to do more when I have some ideas.

In November I made a theme for a show called Safety First, which was a web show on ScrewAttack. I had made the theme, as they were asking for their fans to do so. Today I am still the ONLY person who has submitted a theme to them (and before I continue, keep in mind that all I did was add lyrics to some video game music) Shortly after posting the video, Tweeting and posting it on Facebook, it was spotlighted on ScrewAttack.

You'll have to find the video yourself either on ScrewAttack or Youtube... I'm shy about showing the video because I sing in it lol

and now I'll speed thing up, looking at the videos that I made from November 2010 to Now. I wont post the links or embed these videos, but you can watch them all on my Youtube channel

Halo Reach KHAAAN! - Video starred me in a Santa hat... I still dont think the videos half bad ;)
Mr Mittens Christmas - The first Mr Mittens episode and out of the two that I have made so far, it is still my favorite aside from the video quality
Game & GLITCH intro - I had some music made by the awesome Spelling Phlailer for this and this was my first push towards starting up the series.
Power Up! - I shot this at the St Jacob's mall with my new ipod. Looking at how nervous I was, this turned out to be a pretty good video showcasing all of the stuff in the store.
Mr Mittens Scarry? - The second episode wasn't as well approached at the first in my opinion, but I still put a good days work into shooting this.
Fresh PIXELATED Air 2 - Going down into Arizona, I already had thoughts of making this. Definitely didn't flow as well at the first, but I still like it :)
Epic Halo Reach Machinima - This was close to when I got an HD capture card, and I wanted to test it, so I used some moments that I had previously captured on Halo Reach and put it to the test. It wasn't a bad video, but it was just uninspired.
Spenny & Dan Play Super Meat Boy FINAL BOSS - My friend Dan and I made a video in May 2010 for French class and really wanted to continue making videos... and this is what has come of it so far.

Everything else is pretty recent at this point, so I don't think I need any further comment.


AAAANNND now here's what I have been wondering. After so much of what has happened, where am I going now? What needs to happen in the next two, three, ten years for me to make videos for a living? Am I able to do that or is the potability of that DOA? Am I thinking about this too hard or not hard enough? Should I be working towards releasing to what could be three substantial videos or just sit back and make videos as the ideas gracefully pass by? Should I cater less towards ScrewAttack and try to do things more independently?

I honestly don't know at this point. But I guess just as everyone else in the world, I'll figure it out.


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